Program of the Forum-2024

SATURDAY 06.04.2024
11:00 - 19:30 Shows and Workshops on the Main Stage
11:00 - 19:45 Workshops, lectures, master-classes (simultaneously in 5 conference rooms)
11:00 - 19:45 Lottery draws (only among holders of online tickets)
11:00 - 19:45 Kids' Corner Activities and Workshops
12:00 - 19:00 B2B Conference, Presentations and Promo Events for Professional Participants
14:00 - 19:30 Presentations of companies-participants in B2C Hall

SUNDAY 07.04.2024
11:00 - 17:30 Shows and Workshops on the Main Stage
11:00 - 17:45 Workshops, lectures, master-classes (simultaneously in 5 conference rooms)
11:00 - 17:45 Lottery draws (only among holders of online tickets)
11:00 - 17:45 Kids Corner Activities and Workshops
11:00 - 15:00 SPA Massage Competition
12:00 - 17:30 B2B Conference, Presentations and Promo Events for Professional Participants
13:00 - 17:30 Presentations of companies-participants in B2C Hall
Panel Discussions and Expert Talks for professionals in the Health&Beauty industry
(in the Conference Hall of B2B area)
Saturday 6th of April

12:00-12:45 Innovations in Oncology Treatments (Panel discussion. Prof. Stavros Malas, President, Cyprus Institute, Dr. Mariana Prokopi-Demetriades, Co-founder/Director, Theramir; Promed; RSL Revolutionary Labs. Moderated by Raluca Ioana Man)
13:00-13:45 Nutritiology: Emerging Tendencies and Studies (Panel discussion. Farah Shammas, advocate for healthy living, an author of three books, Christos Vichas, Clinical Dietitian, Stephany Piper, Nutritional Scientist & Certified Nutrition Therapist. Moderated by Sara Gunnervik)
14:00-14:45 Hydrothermal Spa Hygiene through the Proper Design (by Costas Kouzis, WetRox Spa Design)
15:00-15:45 Dry-floating ThermoSpa: Spa without Water (B2B presentation by Svetlana Grozova, Leading Specialist, German Spa Association Heilbaderverband e.V. DHV)
16:00-16:45 Activating Wellness Business Models in Hotels and Day Spas (Talk by Jean-Guy de Gabriac, CEO at Tip Touch International, Founder of World Wellness Weekend)
17:00-17:45 How to Run your Spa and Wellness Operation Successfully (Panel discussion. Paris Kounoudis, Director of Rooms & Lifestyle, Parklane a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa; Anna Donovan, Spa Manager, Four Seasons Hotel; Ingrid Price, Spa Manager, Minthis Resort Cyprus. Moderated by George Tavelis, President of Cyprus SPA Association)
18:00-18:45 Social Media as a Tool to Bring New Clients for Health and Beauty Professionals (Stavriana Nathanail, Chief Marketing Officer, Opium Works Digital Agency)

Sunday 7th of April

12:00-12:45 The Contribution of Nanotechnology in Cosmetics (Talk by Dr. Marios Stylianou, Ph.D. in Chemistry, Coordinator Aesthetics Study Program, Intercollege)
13:00-13:45 Power of Brand and Design in the Health and Beauty Industry (by Martin Zarian, Co-Founder, Brand Strategist, Factory 39)
14:00-14:45 Linda Kristel - Cosmetic Formulas for Skin Renovation, and Solutions to the Widest Range of Aesthetic Problems (Presentation by Yana Abroskina, Linda Kristel Brand Expert)
15:00-15:45 Shaping the Future of Beauty and Wellness in Cyprus Through Innovative Technology (by Constantinos Hadjivarnavas, Partners Success Manager at Snap)
16:00-16:45 Maximizing Mobile Engagement: Tailoring Ads with AI for the Health & Beauty Sector (by Anton Liepnitz, Global Business Development, Green Grey Holding)
17:00-17:45 "Recovery Area" in Gyms, Therapy Clinics, Hotels and Spas (by Ioannis Peratitis, Director, PIS Fitness)

Detailed B2C Program of the Forum (by location)

All lectures, workshops, seminars are offered to the Forum visitors with no extra charge.

Main Stage

Room 1 Expo Hall

Room 2

Room 3

Room 4

Main Stage

Room 1 Expo Hall

Room 2

Room 3

Room 4

Detailed B2C Program of the Forum (by time)

All lectures, workshops, seminars are offered to the Forum visitors with no extra charge.

6th of April

- First Lottery Draw: Early Bird gets the Best!
- Welcome Show. Morning Energy Boost from Zumba people: Masterclass by Iliana Constantinou, Victoria Chapidou and their students
- Start of Kids' Corner activities.
- Lottery Draw among holders of online tickets
- Official Opening Ceremony. VIP Guest and Awarding of the Best Hairdresser, Best Nail Artist, Best Permanent Makeup Artist. Live Dance Studio
- Viola Edwards/Layla Edwards. Impact of Breathwork on your Everyday Life
- Stephany Piper / Ivanka Herodotou. Weight Loss: the Hidden Influence of Psychology and Stress
- Светлана Буланова. Как сделать волосы здоровыми и красивыми
- Анна Ангелли. Как успешно совмещать работу и семью?
- Lottery Draw among holders of online tickets
- Special Prize to the person who posted photos from our event in social media and got most of "likes"
- Dr. Constantinos Fountzoulas. Osteoporosis – Could this Threat be Prevented?
- Alex Zisiou. The Invisalign Journey: Digital End-to-end Experience
- Елена Гопчук. Диалоги с гормонами
- Ирина Олич. ГОРМОНичная женщина: Ароматерапия для Женщин 40+
- Lottery Draw among holders of online tickets
- Athletic Club Sparta. Dance and Gymnastics Show and Stretching Masterclass
- Δρ. Αλέξανδρος Δημητριάδης. Πέρα από το Χаμόγελο: Стоматологическое здоровье и токсины
- Raluca Ioana Man. Cultivating Beauty from Within
- Мария Чер. Таппинг: как справиться со стрессом за пять минут
- Лариса Табачникова. Современные способы коррекции микробиоты – пробиотики, пребиотики, метабиотики
- Lottery Draw among holders of online tickets
- Farah Shammas How to be Happy: the Balancing Act between Health and Happiness in a Busy World
- Dr. Dimitris Alepidis. Natural Cancer Treatments: Truth or Myth
- Constantinos Kallias. Orthokeratology (Night Lenses) & Myopia Management in Children
- Александра Саванович. Влияние ароматерапии на физическое и эмоциональное здоровье
- Василия Сулейманова. Как дефициты витаминов и минералов влияют на организм
- Lottery Draw among holders of online tickets
- Δρ. Ντίνος Ξυδάς. Διαχείριση των Χρόνιων Νοσημάτων
- Dr Cesar Daoud. Acupuncture and Longevity
- Елена Ломадзе. Твой возраст - твой выбор
- Татьяна Кокина. Профилактика сезонных заболеваний
- Lottery Draw among holders of online tickets
- Dr. Nicolas Galazis. Endometriosis Unveiled: Strategies for Diagnosis, Treatment and Wellbeing
- Marina Savvides. Secrets of the Traditional Mediterranean Diet
- Алина Набиева. Остеопатия: Первая помощь себе и близким
- Ирина Охримовская. Инсулинорезистентность - ведущая причина избыточного веса и проблем со здоровьем. Проявления болезни и способы оздоровления.
- Lottery Draw among holders of online tickets
- Татьяна Сереброва. Красивый и безопасный маникюр с гель пудрой
- Γεώργιος Кουρκουράκης. Κυπριακά βότανα για υγеία και ομορφιά
- Dr Yiannis Neofytou. Your First Line of Defense Against Skin Cancer
- Tatiana Sazonova. Practical workshop: Somatics for Neck and Shoulder Freedom
- Lottery Draw among holders of online tickets
- WOW Women Show. Show and Masterclass by Veronica Gopenko
- Дарья Шилова Интересно и живо о Психосоматике (от истоков до ново-германской медицины)

- Final Lottery Draw among holders of online tickets. At this time all prizes that are not collected by winners during the day will be in draw again.

Sunday, 7th of April

- First Lottery Draw: Early Bird gets the Best!
- Nani Sabrini. Love and Femininity: Mother and Daughter Fashion Show
- Start of Kids' Corner activities.
- Lottery Draw among holders of online tickets
- Philippa Kyprianou. Zumbini for Babies and Moms.
- Christos Vichas. Steps in Unlocking IBS relief.
- Стелла Харалампус. Мастэктомия (операция молочной железы).
- Алина Свешникова. Грань между здоровым приемом пищи и расстройством пищевого поведения.
- Lottery Draw among holders of online tickets
- Алла Деревянко. Гибкость и красота: как стретчинг формирует идеальные контуры тела.
- Dr. Ioannis Constantinides. Breast Reconstruction: New Era.
- Clementine Ynna. Alternative Solutions for Neurological Wellness and Dementia.
- Яна Прищеп. Беременность. Путь женщины от планирования до грудного вскармливания.
- Lottery Draw among holders of online tickets
- Yana Abroshkina. Skin Rejuvenating Protocols and Tailored Treatments for Oily, Acne-prone, and Sensitive Skin.
- Svetlana Grozova. Spa at Home Like at the World's Best Resorts.
- Antonis Zacharopoulos. Get Well! Stay Healthy! Live a Thriving Lifestyle.
- Ирина Сигитова. Красота через современное искусство.
- Lottery Draw among holders of online tickets
- Awarding Ceremony. HBF Cyprus Massage Competition.
- Анн Вачьян Барсег. ILMedicare: Ваше здоровье в надежных руках!
- Dr. Christos Theocharides. The Power of a Smile: Enhancing Beauty and Confidence with Modern Prosthodontics.
- Сергей Кратинов. 5 простых упражнений по тайцзи для ежедневного поддержания здоровья.
- Lottery Draw among holders of online tickets
- Ксения Лукьянова. Биохакинг на каждый день.
- Илона Маркосян. Будущее психотерапии: EMDR, виртуальная реальность и искусственный интеллект.
- Barbara Karafokas. 10 Steps to Stop Bloating.
- Lottery Draw among holders of online tickets
- Alena Gray Dance Studio. Happy Sunday Show.
- Marco Cabrini. A Unique Label in the World of Professional Hairdressing.
- Final Lottery Draw among holders of online tickets. At this time all prizes that are not collected by winners during the forum will be in draw again.


Massage categories:
  1. Freestyle Massage: combination of different types of massage techniques, mobilization massage, bodywork etc.
  2. Freestyle Sports Massage: deep tissue massage, myofascial release therapy (MFR), muscle energy technique (MET), neuromuscular techniques, stretching etc.
The panel of judges consists of members of the Board of Directors of the Cyprus Spa Association as well as selected representatives of the Cyprus Spa and Beauty industry. All are skilled experts in their field.

The judges will evaluate the participants and award points separately for each of the following criteria:
  • Techniques
  • Ergonomics
  • Flow
  • Innovation and development of new methods
  • Client contact

List of Programms (Previous Events)